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"No good deed however small goes unnoticed" - Anonymous


Helping to clean up our neighborhoods

Cindy believes that we can bring back pride to our neighborhoods by engaging the residents to get involved with City Groups and Committees to help their neighborhoods thrive.

Salem Beautification Committee

Working with Salem Beautification Committee under the direction of Janelle Rolke and a dedicated group of friends and neighbors to help clean up the Point Neighborhood. Together the group cleaned up over 150 lbs of trash. Great job everyone!


Salem Heritage Days
"Touch a Truck"

What a fun Saturday morning to be out in the Community during Heritage Days Week! 

With Steve & Brian Leblanc of Pumel Enterprises.

Carrying on their Father Paul Leblanc's legacy of always giving back to the Salem Community.

Our Future Voters!

Don't forget to get out & Vote!

Preliminary Election Tuesday September 19

General Election Tuesday November 7


Always in Support of our Salem Police Department
In 2018 Cindy retired from a 33 year career as a Patrolwoman for the Salem Police Department. Today Cindy retains an open line of communication with the SPD in order to devise effective solutions to resolve traffic and safety issues.

Campaign Kickoff

A huge thank you to all my family, friends and neighbors for helping and coming out to my Campaign Kickoff. It was a huge success!

Together we can accomplish many things.


Working Together

Cindy has worked with Councillor At-Large Conrad Prosniewski on many projects in the Willows neighborhood through the Willows Neighborhood Association.

A Voice For All

 Cindy has deep roots in Salem. She graduated from Salem High School and went onto attend Salem State University. After altering her career path she earned an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from Northshore Community College. Pictured at her Campaign Kickoff supported by her High School Friends.


Willows Neighborhood Association

Our first potluck dinner at the Willows Neighborhhood Association. Cindy along with a group of very dedicated neighbors started the WNA in 2019. Cindy has been the Co-Chair since it's inception.

Willows Neighborhood Association

The Neighborhood Association meets monthly to discuss residents concerns in the neighborhood. As Co-Chair Cindy organizes Speakers from the City Departments and attends many City Board meetings on behalf of the members of the association. 


Working Haunted Happening Events

As a patrolwoman Cindy enjoyed the opportunity to engage with Salem's public and tourists. She worked to bring a positive energy to the publics relationship with the Salem Police Department.

Haunted Happenings

Joining in the Halloween Fun!

"Wicked Night on the Wharf

Hollywood Horror"

Salem Waterfront Hotel

Hosted by Billy Costa

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